Friday, January 30, 2009

Social Entrepreneurship

Barack Obama is considered the king of social networking, a social entrepreneur and a person who instigates social change. He reached people, communities and his networking reached millions on Twitter and Facebook and is one of the first candidates to have a profile on sites such as BlackPlanet, Glee and MiGente.

Obama used the Internet and social networking to reach millions through his media campaign and there is a new term The Obama Generation which looks at how social sites and social media can instigate change.

The use of blogs, the Internet and text messages as well as live streaming from Obama's website allowed Obama and his team to reach an Internet savvy audience.

Social entrepreneurs find a way to make and create social change. Obama did so via his authenticity as well as using social networking and media to connect to other people and by doing so, listening to others and finding out what people want and need.

It's not enough to have a blog and profiles all over the Internet. It also means being a voice, being authentic, listening to others and inspiring a social change. What can you do to inspire change, to make a difference, to help someone else? Can you put some of the changes into your business? Perhaps buy Fairtrade coffee, turn off lights, save water, give a percentage to charity?

At We Are What We Do, there are things you can easily do which might help you be the change you wish to see in the world (Thanks Ghandi)

You can start with your business, your community, your country and then the world! One step at a time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to inspire social change. Is doing so in a condescending and irritating manner counterproductive?
