1. The most popular Google videos this year - http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/12/what-were-we-watching-this-year-lets.html
2. Google's top search terms this year - http://www.trustedreviews.com/news/google-announces-top-search-terms-of-2011
3. Mashable's Awards (5th) - winners announced (social media, entertainment, business, technology) - http://mashable.com/2011/12/19/mashable-awards-winners/
4. Person of the year Time Magazine - The Protester - http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,2101745_2102132_2102373,00.html
5. My best book of the year - I'm Feeling Lucky - The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 - Douglas Edwards - although technically not a marketing or a business how to book, I'd give this to anyone wanting to learn about business -it's an incredible and insightful book about Google.
6. Amazon's Best Books of the Year (so far) - http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html?ie=UTF8&plgroup=1&docId=1000698051
- read, read, read!
- read, read, read!
7. My best social media/marketing blog - We Are Social http://wearesocial.net/ -
it's mainly info about the UK, I think their Mashups are extremely valuable!
8. Ad Age's Best Social, Media Campaigns this year (UK) - http://adage.com/article/special-report-book-of-tens-2011/ad-age-s-book-tens-social-media-campaigns/231498/
9. My best ad of the year (funny and brilliant) - by New Zealand's Transport Agency http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIYvD9DI1ZA -
if you love ads (or work in advertising) - Best ads (interactive, TV, print and outdoor) week by week - http://www.bestadsontv.com/
(a fantastic resource)
(a fantastic resource)
10. My best Facebook community page - Toby the Wonderdog - https://www.facebook.com/drkatrinawarren - where pet owners come and share their pet stories.
12. 5 Twitter people I admire and learnt from this year (trust me I have zillions!):
Kerri Sackville - https://twitter.com/#!/KerriSackville
NZJayZee - https://twitter.com/#!/nzJayZee
Pam Moore - https://twitter.com/#!/PamMktgNut
Servant of Chaos - https://twitter.com/#!/servantofchaos
JoJoebi Designs - https://twitter.com/#!/jojoebi
13. and lucky last - my best two free eBook providers (just need to give some details and download)
BuddyMedia - whitepapers - http://buddymedia.com/resources/white-papers
Hubspot - whitepapers and eBooks - http://www.hubspot.com/internet-marketing-whitepapers/
14. Bonus! Here's a free eBook library - focusing on marketing - http://www.davidmeermanscott.com/products_ebooks.htm
15. And if any of you are looking for blogs/bloggers - (or just to learn and connect) here's The Best Australian Blogs 2011 winners (and others) a competition run by the Sydney Writer's Centre http://www.sydneywriterscentre.com.au/bloggingcomp/enter.html
14. Bonus! Here's a free eBook library - focusing on marketing - http://www.davidmeermanscott.com/products_ebooks.htm
15. And if any of you are looking for blogs/bloggers - (or just to learn and connect) here's The Best Australian Blogs 2011 winners (and others) a competition run by the Sydney Writer's Centre http://www.sydneywriterscentre.com.au/bloggingcomp/enter.html
Social Status will be open over the holiday season, so if you need anything (training, tips or advice), give me a call, Tweet, email, comment on Facebook or even arrange to meet me for a coffee (gasp!)