Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Instagram Training for beginners

As well as providing social media training and advice for businesses and individuals, I do voluntary tech talks at the library and train seniors/beginners on using this amazing platform.

Instagram is a fantastic visual social sharing photo site for businesses and for pleasure.

Here is what we did last night:

It’s a step - by step process:

1. Took the picture

2. Cropped it - I used a paid app called Photogene (2) (You do not have to pay for any apps if you do not want to) - search the App store I think
Photogene 4 is available for purchase. (It's a brilliant tool for cropping, blurring, rotating, and editing)

3. I decided to display the full size of the photo so used InstaSize to do so (it is a free app so please be mindful of advertising) -
4. We chose the Lo-Fi filter in the tools section to bring bring some saturated colours and shadows to the photo

5.We added a description - Loving these (but I could have said Training at the library, or reading these as well)

6. We added several hashtags #childrensboo usingks #instabook #booksofinstagram #catbook #librarybook (I advise using ONLY 1-5 hashtags per picture and to check hashtags first (on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Google and by using

7. Then we posted it!

Instagram for beginners example:
It sounds like a long process, but this was part of my training last night :)

It is fantastic to learn a new skill so if you have any questions please ask away.

Or visit my Pinterest board for tips, tools, and resources:

I post up tips, tools, resources and advice on Facebook:

And feel free to flip through my magazine on Flipboard which has plenty of tools, tips, and resources as well!  -

I offer customised one-on-one or group training for people or businesses so please feel free to contact me. I also offer social media advice and community management.

Oh and I love Instagram - it's an amazing platform for learning about the world and sharing photos.